28 Sept 2011


The Satemwa Fair Trade Joint Body are at it again, this time with a more sustainable project. As water continues to be amongst the most life hinging utilities, the JB have embarked on a project that will see water being pumped using solar power. When completed workers at Mwalanthunzi Division and the next Village will benefit from the project. Currently a bore has been sunk, a solar pump and solar panels installed plus a water tank on a raised stand. What remains is the piping and construction of a water kiosk with several points from where to draw the water.
This sounds quite advanced in a rural area all courtesy of Fair trade.

 Previously people from the area have been drawing water from a source that can be classified as semi protected. This will be a thing of the past. The other benefit is that there will be no electricity billing. It is hoped that should this project prove to be a success then some areas will be considered for such solarised water project.
In the pictures below the tank, the solar panels and a photo of women drawing water from a semi protected well.                                                        

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