30 Sept 2011


 It is not working always: Sitting in the office I was amazed to see tea pluckers from our Satemwa Division clad in a beautiful sports uniform. I went to talk to them. They told me one of their friends got injured and they were taking him to the clinic for treatment. I wanted to know further what it was that they were doing and they advised me that they were preparing for an inter divisional match between Satemwa and Mwalanthunzi.
These people were quite excited with the uniform. The sports uniform has been provided for using the Satemwa Fair Trade Premium. All Tea divisions have had a set of football kit. In addition the JB also made provision for shields to be competed for by both men and women.
Sportsmen from a tea plantation


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28 Sept 2011


The Satemwa Fair Trade Joint Body are at it again, this time with a more sustainable project. As water continues to be amongst the most life hinging utilities, the JB have embarked on a project that will see water being pumped using solar power. When completed workers at Mwalanthunzi Division and the next Village will benefit from the project. Currently a bore has been sunk, a solar pump and solar panels installed plus a water tank on a raised stand. What remains is the piping and construction of a water kiosk with several points from where to draw the water.
This sounds quite advanced in a rural area all courtesy of Fair trade.

 Previously people from the area have been drawing water from a source that can be classified as semi protected. This will be a thing of the past. The other benefit is that there will be no electricity billing. It is hoped that should this project prove to be a success then some areas will be considered for such solarised water project.
In the pictures below the tank, the solar panels and a photo of women drawing water from a semi protected well.                                                        

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