25 Mar 2010

Satemwa Fairtrade Joint Body Bus Arrives!

Satemwa Fairtrade Joint Body Bus Satema Fair Trade Workers Joint Body Bus

The Satemwa Fair Trade Joint Body are the proud recipients of the new Workers' Fair Trade Bus, which will be put to work ferrying workers up and down the Estate's 7km Dirt Road.

Joint Body Members using the fairtrade bus

Up until now, workers have had to walk or cycle the undulating estate road on the side of Thyolo Mountain. The bus will be available to all workers on the estate for a nominal fee, which will be used to support the maintenance and running costs of the bus.


Satemwa Fairtrade Joint Body Chairman - Rabson kalowa
Satemwa Fairtrade Joint Body Chairman, Rabson Kalowa said "The bus is great news for all of the workers as it will help everyone get to and from the factory and fields more easily and safely.

The bus will also be used to help transport the sports teams that the Joint Body supports"

11 Mar 2010


"It does not rain it pours". This is the state of affairs at the magnificent Thyolo Government Hospital located in a Tea growing district of Thyolo.
Rainy days are regarded as hell to those patient guardians as there is nowhere to prepare meals and sleep hence guardians are forced to sleep in wards. Imagine if a guardian has a baby and what that means to such babies.
The community saw this as a great need requiring cooperation in order to be addressed.
Having heard news about the Satemwa Fairtrade Joint Body's potential to assist with community based projects they approached us with their proposal for the construction of the Guardian Shelter and a kitchen. Currently discussions are underway to see how best this can be put into reality. We have attended one meeting which was also attended by local chiefs and the Parliamentarian for the area

Photo: A Guardian Shelter and Kitchen currently in use at Thyolo Hospital

For more visit: http://www.satemwa.com/