Climatic change continues to impact lives.One of such effects is intermittent power supply coupled with high electricity tariffs. These fused together makes provision of essentials to life such as water difficult. More so when the water generation is is electricity dependent. As demand for water in communities around Satemwa Tea Estate increases the Fair Trade Joint Body were approached with requests for additional boreholes to those sunk last year. Upon discussing the issue the Satemwa Management provided guidance to provide water using Solar energy. Currently plans are underway to sink a borehole and install a solar driven pump. This project is likely to benefit a considerable number of households within our Mwalanthunzi Division and the adjacent Mbeluko Village. Should this pilot project work, then a decision will be made regarding other sites.
It is anticipated that this will be sustainable as compared to electricity dependent systems.
The project is courtesy of Fair trade premium funds.
In the picture below the supplier of Solar pumps is seen briefing JB and Satemwa Managers on how the system works