28 Apr 2010

Now even easier to keep up to date with the Satemwa Tea Estate Fair Trade Workers Joint Body

We have found time between the many projects our members are working on to make it even easier for you to keep up to date with the activities of the Satemwa Joint Body committee.

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Either way, we hope you will now find it easier to enjoy learning more about the projects we are involved in.

27 Apr 2010

New Water Supply for Chizinja Village

Work is underway to provide a new water supply to Chizinja village on Satemwa Tea Estate. A new borehole has been dug, with a pump house and storage tank to follow soon. The works have been financed by the Satemwa Workers Committee Joint Body, through Fairtrade Premium funds. This work represents the culmination of a larger project to build improved Teachers housing in the village.

New Teacher's Housing at chisinja Village

The borehole will supply clean water to Satemwa School and the new Teacher's housing in Chizinja village. The Joint Body have employed local contractors based in Blantyre to oversee the works and look forward to the completion of this project.

9 Apr 2010

Satemwa Fairtrade Joint Body Distributes Mosquito nets

Satemwa Workers with their new Mosquito nets
This week saw the Satemwa Workers Committee Joint Body distribute the first instalment of mosquito nets to workers. The Thyolo District has a high prevalence of Malaria all year round and the project aims to help reduce the burden on both the Privately-funded Satemwa Clinic and Thyolo District Hospital. With many worker's families affected by malaria, this was a very popular project to undertake.

All members of the Satemwa workforce were entitled to receive mosquito nets and the joint body has arranged for each worker to receive two nets, which have been purchased through money generated by the fairtrade premium. In addition to the borehole projects and education initiatives, the Satemwa joint Body is actively playing its part in improving the community's general health.