Satemwa JB have entered into a partnership with Kautuka CBO for supporting People Living with HIV & AIDS.
Kautuka is a village close to the road and around Thyolo No. 1 trading centre. The CBO is well organised with a drug dispensary, advisors and a support group. They receive technical assistance from time to time from Medicines Sans Frontier and government health officials, but resources remain very stretched.
Kautuka approached Satemwa’s General Assembly and Joint Body to ask if they could receive any assistance through the Fairtrade premium fund. Following 2 meetings, the JB have agreed to fund a 2 day training session for the Kautuka, by specialists on ‘Positive Living’ for people with HIV. The training included tuition on nutrition, growing vegetables, healthcare and community homecare support and other social elements.
The JB have also funded goats for the groups members which are being operated using a goat pass-on scheme, whereby each member must pass on the first Kid that is born from their goat to another member. The goats can be used for milk as well as meat to help with nutrition and income.
Finally the JB are funding the purchase of 3 bicycle ambulances with trailers and mattresses that have been made by a specialist company in Blantyre.