As part of the JB work plan to to improve rural livelihoods and food security in the villages around Satemwa, the JB have agreed a pilot project alongside the local District Agricultural Office.
Under the agreement, the DAO officers will be conducting workshops in each village to find out what their priorities are and to put together village-specific proposals that the JB could assist with using premium money and the assistance of the DAO experts.
Initial meetings have identified a project in Chizinja and Maonga village areas to pipe water from the mountain for drinking and irrigation. The villagers and village headwoman (Chizinja) have volunteered to dig the trenches, fetch river sand and provide other labour if the premium fund assists with cement, transport and water pipes.
Other projects so far include training in new compost-making techniques in three villages.
Village Headman addresses Mulenga village
DAO officer discusses ideas for projects with Mulenga village