A pilot scheme to develop adult education classes has started at Satemwa school.
Open to all workers and/or their spouses, the school allows workers to continue their education that they had not managed to finish as children.
The school operates in evenings from 16:30 until 18.00, Mondays to Thursdays.
To date 189 workers from the Factory and Satemwa division have registered and are attending classes (from Standard 1 to Standard 8). These represent approximately one third of workers in this area….much higher than we had expected.
The next challenge is to open schools in the other divisions so all workers have the same opportunity. Following the success of the pilot scheme we are estimating in excess of 500 workers attending school again this year.
First of all we must give the schools access to electricity so they can have lights for the evening classes. This will tie-in with the JB environment project, using macro & micro solar power because there are no electricity cables in these areas.
JB Vice-Secretary, Mr Kalowa, commented; “this is what fairtrade is all about. The workers in my division are very happy. More and more are coming every day”.
JB members themselves are enjoying going back to school to improve their previous grades or finish their primary education.